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Concerts • Community • Connection



Cacao • Concert • Kirtan

Between Concert & Kirtan

Nomad, singer songwriter, music producer and yogi Simon Glöde weaves ancestral sounds and energetic practices from around the world, creating transformative experiences through sing-along events and ceremonial concerts.


Originally rooted in pop music, Simon's quest for depth and personal healing led him to explore yoga and healing sounds, forming the basis for his unique approach to "Concert Ceremonies". Departing from conventional performances, the multi-instrumentalist seamlessly blends sing-along songs and Kirtan with contemporary storytelling and ecstatic dance, fostering communal and healing experiences. Simon truly believes in the power of music to bring people together for positive change.


Simon lives between Europe in India, where he tours and serves as an in-house music producer for his spiritual teacher. This unique blend of authentic yogic teachings and his background as a DIY musician lends Simon a distinct voice in his songs and lyrics, inviting listeners on a cosmic journey of compassion and healing.

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Sattva Himalayan Journeys

Why I teach Yoga

This practice has saved my life. For the last 6 years I have lived and studied this ancient medicine with a Master in the Indian Himalayas.

For the positive change it has brought to all aspects of my life, I can not help but sharing it wherever I go. Now the teachings of Yoga are woven into everything I am and do.

For events and festivals I like to focus on fun, exciting, celebratory classes, while my retreats and programs invite to go deeper, to establish the practice as a way of life.

Sattva Yoga, as taught by my Himalayan Master, Anandji, is a holistic practice that addresses all levels of what it means to be human—and beyond. It can be neatly packaged into a ​digestible journey that takes you by your wings and step by step teaches you how to fly.

My passion for sharing this transformative practice has led me to create, where I collaborate with my partner, Charlotte, to make these teachings accessible online.

Sattva Yoga is unique. It’s Kundalini, but also Tantra, Hatha, and Ecstatic Dance. It’s an experience.

See you on the path!
